Monday, August 14, 2023

General Hospital 8-14-23 Full episode

General Hospital 8-14-23 Full episode 14th August 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. First, the Pawtuck hilbillies (or yahoos as Sonny calls them🤣) say the boss is a woman. Now, Mason referred to the boss as a "he" Did the scab writers change the story and the boss's identity?🤣

    1. pawtuck hillbillies lol laughed too hard at that one

      yeah typical gh changing details of a story thinking their attentive audience would not notice

    2. Yeah, I hope they're not messing with us that way...

  2. truly hate the metro court now, sorry olivia part owner but nina has put her stank all over that place like she did with sonny the metro court will never be the same again carly you do not want that crap hotel back

    how is valentin still ceo of elq that man has neglected his role for months now how has he not been ousted the elq board is the worst

    so martin grey is no longer interim ceo or was it chairman whichever tracy offered him chairman cause forgetful ned is now eddie, really need pikeman to have valentin use elq as a front for their evil lol sure way to get rid of him

    glad carly mentioned dante and kristina and said she loves them that hasnt changed because she is no longer with their father and one of the reason she is making some sought of peace with sonny is for the children, have been thinking about how carly has been nothing but loyal, protective, and motherly to all sonny children whether they are hers with him or his other baby mamas but these two dante and kristina, they can be on their father side but carly has done nothing to either of them, they seem to have forgotten all the times carly was there for them disloyal shits just like their father

    why is dante trying so hard to convince anna that its the wsb or pikeman who set the fire he is not even considering what she said there maybe a vengeful person out there the pcpd and their shitty investigating

    1. So speaking of being warm to all the kids ...

      It seems to me like Sonny did not over the years go out of his way to embrace Molly and would even have Kristina over for family occasions without Molly.

      I suppose part of that is soap scheduling stuff and the seemingly long absence of Molly from the canvas in general.

      But it bothered me, because Molly is actually his niece -- not a nonrelation. Yet she always seemed to not get included by Sonny. Or even acknowledged much by him.

      At least that's how it seemed to me.

    2. Yeah, that is kind of weird, now that you mention it...surprised Sonny has never cared a lick about Molly. He's actually closer over the years to TJ, lol...

    3. well sonny is all about the people in his life, his family hero worshipping him, they constantly giving him an ego boost, molly would never prop up sonny she always says whats on her mind like it or not, also molly is a lawyer law abidding she is not as corruptable as her sisters or her other family members so why would sonny want molly around given she actually has morals

      another thing sonny has proven to a very selfish person he keeps saying my family is everything but given the choice sonny and his wants/needs comes first thats why he had no problem going along with nina lie that tj molly life partner was cheating with willow, he sure did not care that confirming that lie would hurt molly,

      molly is better off without sonny in her business she should count herself lucky both she and tj should
