Thursday, October 6, 2022

General Hospital 10-6-22 Full episode

General Hospital 10-6-22 Full episode 6th October 2022

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  1. Thank you for posting full episodes of general hospital but please do it right were we can watch and it not mess up and we're we can hear it thanks I come here everyday to watch and I make it play from here to tv. Thanks again love watching gh from here only compliment is that it needs to be wear we can hear it and stop messing up thanks. Means alot to me to get to watch it but want to see hole show with out it messing up like it dose. Thanks again

  2. 3 comments first Thank you Bob second Chase was HOT today &good looking third we all know Carly will take the last name Morgan that's the only guy she ever loved

    1. Ditto on Bob, he's the best!!!! Ditto on Chase, he's such a cutie! And don't know what Carly will do, but she should take the name Spencer!!!!!! Her character could use a shift, and in that direction would be the awesomest. I miss the Spencers on GH :(

    2. I actually like this Brook Lyn better than the spanish one....I wish they would hire Briana full time as Brook and get rid of the spanish one.

    3. Wtf you going on about Joe, they're both American & both great actresses.

    4. Like I said...Mr. or Ms Unknown Woke...the temporary girl looks more like the Quartermaines than the SPANISH GIRL who plays her...I mean what I say!

    5. Not that it matters, but Amanda Setton, who plays BrookLyn is not Spanish

    6. Kanye West is that you posting as "Joe" on this GH Board? Didn't know you were a GH fan.

    7. I guess Kayne is a smart black man if he agrees with me...we know our people play tricks on others

  3. I understand that the plot with Esme and Ryan is interesting, but I hate that they are treating us as if we are stupid. There's no way that she would have fallen off of that balcony and hit the ground with no injuries at all, and there's no way that there wouldn't be a camera in Ryan's cell so that they could see that he really isn't paralyzed, and thirdly Esme had no money so where is she staying and how is she surviving, lastly, for now anyway, how was she able to get in there to see him today? C'mon people!!

    1. kidd you just got to laugh at the ridiculousness of all this but isn't esme getting an allowance from her nanny who is in charge of her trust fund, or does she have access to her trust fund

    2. Totally bizarre. Random people off the street can't just wander into a freakin' prison and walk around visiting people. You can't even use the excuse that she was some kind of a volunteer or intern or whatever the hell she supposedly was because Kevin had put a stop to her being involved with Ryan in any way. I guess the writers think we're stupid or something.

    3. Janis yes Kevin did put a stop to Esme working at Spring Ridge and being around Ryan, But did you forget that Esme went to Nicholas to get her job back at Spring Ridge before Esme fall and disappearance.

    4. No, I don't remember that. But regardless, it makes no sense that someone who doesn't want people to know she's alive would just show up for her job. She would also be required to show i.d. and to sign in. It still makes no sense any which way we try to spin it. And why is a known serial killer in a minimum security prison in the first place? Let alone in an unlocked room. When I worked in a minimum security prison, the officers made hourly "counts." They had a checklist with each inmate's name on it and they could only check each name off by getting a visual on each inmate - even if that inmate was in the shower or on the toilet. Why has one never walked in on Esme' when she's been in that room with Ryan? But......GH. I remember when Anthony Z. walked into the PCPD and killed a woman. And then walked right back out again. 🙄

    5. I was wondering the same thing then Esme just walked in to see her father and walked out. If she can do that then why is Ryan not sneaking out. Next, for the prejudice woman who's so involve in who's American and who's not, go back to school, none of us are true Americans, only the Natives are, and the land was stolen "brutally" from the "savages"

    6. @Mommy Dearest: I agree 💯. All of it. Especially the part about who the real Americans are. I try not to even engage with that person, to be honest, because of the stupid and racist shit they post. There is also no way that a person of color would say such awful things about members of their own race. I'm just not buying it. It also claims to be gay, but says awful things about members of the LGBTQ+ community. I think it's just a troll, who may even be a white supremarist, looking for attention. I'm also proud to not only be a liberal, but a WOKE liberal. Better than being an ignorant, close-minded racist.

  4. What is going on? I am not able to even watch 5 minutes of the show. It keeps loading. The same with Daily motion.

  5. can they keep this replacement brooklyn she matches so much better with chase than the other actress just saying,

    yes reinstate chase as a detective this singer storyline is so not working i hate it because it so off track from what it initially was, i thought the whole point of chase becoming a singer was so that they could dupe that producer guy into giving brooklyn back her rights to her songs, now its all about making chase a star

    is brooklyn going to sabotage chase from becoming a cop again we know brooklyn is very selfish and does things to benefit herself

    was Uri hitting on finn with that i am into doctors comment oh my gosh

    roxy the bearded dragon lizard is still alive good to know

    trina can be gratiful to curtis for helping her but because curtis helped trina with her case and did everything to get her exonerate that does not mean curtis has a right to dictate how this girl lives her life

    this reiko, elizabeth story is even more confusing how could elizabeth or her father be responsible for finn's wife death, finn said that his wife died of blackwoods disease, and i am pretty sure elizabeth was a full grown adult when that happen, because soon after that isn't that when finn arrived at port charles to get help from robin or patrick or one of those doctor to figure out a cure huh

    esme has an accomplice she is working with someone oz has a direct link to her, this oz guy is so gonna die death no. 2

    1. Lmao Uri was obviously referring to Dr Randolph, his girlfriend. 🤦🏻

    2. was he 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Yeah but he also crushed on Monica which makes that answer doubly awesome.

  6. Isn't that the same actress who played Brook Lynn while Amanda Sutton was on maternity leave?

    1. Never mind. I just looked it up. It is. Her hair's shorter now.

  7. If Esme is the hook person and since Avery Pohl has signed a three year contact, I can't help wondering what her storyline will be after she is caught. It is still hard to believe that she could overpower Brando.

  8. Since it looks like maybe the bartender may be killed off there goes his testimony about Esme trying to poison/kill him and her buying the phone from him. If she ever goes to trial for those crimes, I don't see how they can allow his testimony from Trina's trial and his statements to the police in to any trial that Esme could face. He was never cross examined in Trina's trial and Esme's attorney wouldn't be able to cross exam him now. So there is no real proof to convict her. As for her visiting Ryan, I assume she has guards helping her. She isn't afraid to blackmail, flirt or do more to get what she wants. As much as they are trying to make it look like it is Esme attacking people with a hook, I don't think it was her. There are just too many storylines available that can be used with that character.

  9. Esme sure looks guilty, but I don't think she is the killer. She just signed a 3 yeat contract. I would still like for Felicia to be her mother and to have their story. I would definitey like to see more of Felicia.

  10. Why can’t the hook stalker single out Nina? She needs to go. Now Nina is picking on poor Willow. Willow should get a restraining order. Sonny looks so foolish anymore. He has turned so mean since he paired up with busybody Nina. They don’t even look good together. Her bug eyes are those of a crazed person. It would be great if she was the serial killer, to get rid of her off GH

  11. Lol @ Roseam I totally agree about Nina , I also think her (Esme) big new plan is she’s going to say she’s prego but I could be wrong , as for her being the hook person I do think it’s Esme but I’m sure she will somehow get away with it or if she gets caught will be in the show in shadybrooke like her psycho Dad ! I guess we have to wait and see

  12. Sonny's turned mean? ROFLMAO! He's a mobster. Most have been saying he's not the same since he came back from Nixon Falls...that he's nicer.

    1. He never used to torture people. He’s always yelling when people don’t agree with him.

  13. Wonder what Nina would think of him if she knew what he was doing

  14. Well Sonny didn’t think that I was gonna torture him with the knives, but yes what did she expect hiring somebody from Miss Wu. I feel bad for the bartender guy, hopefully as me does not kill him
