Tuesday, August 30, 2022

General Hospital 8-30-22 Full episode

General Hospital 8-30-22 Full episode 30th August 2022

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  1. Mr Bob, what is wrong with the second video it only show half of the screen.?

    1. The bottom video is only fully visible when it is replaced by another version that is not full screen. But now you can watch the top video, because now there is no redirection to the video hosting site when you click on the top video. The top and bottom videos are the same. But the top video is now available for full-screen viewing.

  2. A case of Who dun it so lets lists suspects:
    Austin's Brother
    Ryan Chamberlain

    Nikolas has attempted to kill an ex before i.e Hayden so hes at the top of the suspect list especially with that little dialogue at the end of this episode.

    Spencer was too trashed to do it

    Austin's brother was in pursuit of Ava because she overheard their convo, so he is suspect number 2 although I doubt Austin would have allowed him to carry it out so hes lower on the list.

    Victor has made threats but I doubt it was him

    Elizabeth losing time is an issue but theres no motive for her attacking Ava even though she did attack Chase before so Elizabeth would be suspect 3.

    Esme is prob the people's most likely suspect as she has the most motive outside of Ryan Chamberlain.

    Chamberlain is still in custody that we know of so cant be him

    So we have Nikolas, Esme, Elizabeth, Austin's Brother

    It will be interesting to see how they play this out. I would think that there would be cameras on the property but thats wishful thinking.

    1. ryan has a sick obsession with ava would he want to kill her and we all know that minimum security prison he is in anyone can leave look how easy it was for spencer

      by yes for your number one nicholas or is it a red herring too obvious

  3. The interaction between Nina and Avery was so good, as was the scenes between Sonny and Avery and between Sonny and Nina and all three of them.

  4. new detective lady

    huh nicholas is hella sketchy, so he is not telling jordan about his little argument with ava, i guess that goes to motive self serving prick

    so sonny is fine with that woman nina being around avery the same woman who kidnapped her and put her life at risk. that was wierd that creepy look nina gave the kid wierder

    spencer and trina they clearly want each other just like dex has thing for joss and visa versa lol

    1. Jordan investigating any crime is ridiculous. The woman is corrupt herself. Port Charles needs a new commissioner.

  5. Uuurghh, i hate Elizabeth, just have her committed already.. Her entire dialogue with Finn over the past couple months can be summed up to: HIM: "-You're crazy, get help" HER: "-Nope". And then she goes around and shits the bed, then runs scared back to Finn and then the shitshow starts all over again. I mean give the story some traction for God's sake, how much longer do you wanna drag it?

    Dex and Joss are sooo gona bone soon, and frankly I root for them. Cameron is kinda dorky, maybe it's because of the actor but I never felt that he and Joss have any chemistry. With Dex on the other hand it's a whole different story, they click so well.

  6. Sonny and Nina have so much chemistry.

  7. Jordan is corrupt. Port Charles needs a new commissiiner.

  8. Joss has turned into a witch like her mother. Neither Spencer nor Nicholas killed Ava. Prob Austin's relative or Esme maybe? The Elizabeth drama is ridiculous....like what triggered this all of a sudden she is a wacko now???? I'm sad they are pairing great Drew with horrid Carly. And the argument between Sonny and Nicholas over who should be at the hospital was retarded...a husband over a mobster who happened to get her pregnant years ago??? After watching since the 70's I'm getting pretty tired of the way things are written the past year or so.

  9. My thoughts on "whodunnit."

    Elizabeth: I don't think it's her, although I think she THINKS it could be her, which could lead to a false confession. Also, I think Finn should just give up on her. I get that he loves her and wants to help her, but it's hard to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.

    Nikolas:. Nope. I don't think he did it. He wanted her back, not to get rid of her.

    Victor: Meh. I doubt it. Possible, I guess, but that might be too easy. And I think Spencer was too hammered to have done it.

    So who does that leave? From the moment it happened, I assumed it was Austin's brother or cousin or whatever he is.

    And then there is Esme'. Personally, I think this could be a very real possibility. I haven't read or heard anything about the actress leaving the show permanently, and this would be a way to "reintroduce" her and we all know that she would be capable of it. Or Ryan? Only if he managed to escape and no one has noticed yet. Or maybe he got one of those unauthorized leaves like Spencer did. 🙄

    And why do people let that creepy Nina insinuate herself everywhere that she has no business being? She's not Ava's family. In fact, why the holy hell is Sonny letting the woman who kidnapped his daughter even be around her? Hell, I wouldn't allow her to be within fifty feet of a child of mine. She always seems to give off stalker vibes to me whenever she's around a young child. She's gross.

  10. Ava and Nina are best friends thats why shes there. We also cant really throw stones at one character over another when they all have pretty much done morally unsound things i.e Ava killing Connie and messing with Morgans meds, Michael sleeping with a married woman, Sonny shooting his son, Carly playing God with Nina's kids and sleeping with her mother's husband. etc.

    1. They may be "best friends," but Nina still is NOT family and she has no business butting in where she has no business. I get that Ava is a bad person. I remember when she and Julian first came to town and they killed some guy in cold blood down on the docks. But Nina is just creepy. She thinks she is "entitled" to do what she wants. You wait. She's going to get her hooks into Avery and try to eliminate Carly from Avery's life. I'm no fan of Carly's either, but she has played a huge part in Avery's life. And I don't doubt for one minute that Nina will try to undermine that, too.
