Thursday, February 3, 2022

General Hospital 2-3-22 Full episode

General Hospital 2-3-22 Full episode 3rd February 2022

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  1. Who DIDN'T know Peter was going to escape? Next comes the kidnappings...
    I get Maxie was trying to protect her child but there's no legitimate reason not to tell her Parents or Anna or Valentine. Now Valentine's in danger because of it.

    LOVE having the temporary Sam back. I really like her. She gives life to the character... IMO

    1. I have always thought the temp replacement Sam, looked more like Alexis' daughter.

    2. valentin was taken by victor because valentin found out about lousie i think whatever victor has for port charles he does not want his son caught in the cross fires.

  2. The sabotaged transfer was seen from a mile away. Peter has to be the luckiest criminal in history. Esme is going to target Trina again after what she walked into.

  3. General Hospital would be a lot better if Creepy Peter and Creepy Carly were no longer on the show.

    1. Susie, Are you sure you're not Obsessed with the CHARACTER of Carly? Seems like you are. Perhaps you should speak to a professional

    2. There are a lot of people who do not like Peter. There are lot of people who do not like Carly.

    3. I can't stand Carly. Or Sonny, for that matter, and I'm damn tired of them being the foundation of this show. Somebody on Twitter posted a graph the other day comparing their screen time to the others' screen time and Sonny and Carly are on the show 76% of the time! With everybody else getting just a fraction of that.

    4. I do not like Sonny; he was ok as Mike. I certainly do not like having the two of them on. I realize that Brick and Spinelli ate not on a lot but I don't like them either. I am glad that Jason is gone from the show. The mob has no place on General Hospital. I don't think anyone actually likes Peter; I sure do not.

  4. Drew is a good guy. Jason was a highly paid cold blooded murderer and a criminal.

  5. oh my god spencer is acting like he is going off to war with the possibility of never returing, you are going to prison for one month chill out, and there is visitation

    yeah spencer and trina it will happen, esme will make spencer life a living hell in that prison

    ava is always looking for trouble did she have to tell esme where spencer was and did she have to have that perpetual gloating expression especially knowing how dangerous esme is

    austin needs to shut up, i dont get why he is angry or hurt at maxie for hiding lousie he wasn't around when peter was being peter this man has no place to tell maxie what she did was wrong

    1. i really do hate spencer's character. he was funnier as a little kid. i loved him then.

      i don't understand why he doesn't empathize more with ava? he had those burn scars as a kid and wouldn't even look under the mask as he thought he looked like a freak. but she was supposed to live with hers for the rest of her life to nail valentin for shooting his father? it does suck that valentin got away with it but seriously??? if i were ava i totally would have took the deal. living with a burn scars on your face has got to be really hard.

      i'm so sick of his poor little rich kid thing he's got going. his family is pretty effed up but mine is, too. growing up with them, believe me... you learn to expect the worst. i would be pretty mad but if it were my dad i would at least try to understand. the sh*t he did to ava is pretty effed up.

      why are these rich folks so spoiled??? they think they're entitled to this perfect life and if they don't get it then bwaaaaah. i throw tantrum now. most folks would love being in a swiss boarding school. speaking multiple languages. skiing in the alps. french riviera? um yes please. no sympathy for this kid.

      i bet you even with a guard he ends up being somebody's little b*tch. and he's earned it. no sympathy for spoiled rich kids in prison.

    2. i also agree about austin shutting up! when he came to town, he took advantage of chase's accident to try to cut himself into the will. his whole poor me my daddy didn't get his money routine. why on earth would you trust somebody who's engaging in such underhanded garbage like this? who does he think he is? nobody owes him any sort of trust. trust is earned.

    3. What about spoiled, big mouthed Josslyn. She gets all of the illegal, criminal money given to her since her mother is a mobster and her stepfather is a mobster.

  6. I definitely would like Peter gone permanently and the bad actor who plays him gone permanently.

  7. Does anyone know how Peter got out of the freezer in the hospital?

  8. I wanted Dante to punch Peter in his smug face. C'mon, no one would tell!

    I never liked Sonny but he's actually been tolerable since coming back from Nixon Falls. This feelings for Nina conflict made him interesting.

    I think Esme's going to concentrate on Trina while Spencer's gone. The girl's psycho and clearly doesn't want them anywhere near each other.

    And I like Ava and Trina's relationship. Ava was a bit too mischievous when giving up where Spencer went but she will also always look out for her.

    I think Trina makes both Ava and Spencer want to be better people.

  9. why this actress as same in a dress when the actress kelly manico as the original sam you never really see her in a dress .just pants and a shirt or a blouse
