Monday, January 11, 2021

General Hospital 1-11-21 Full episode

General Hospital 1-11-21 Full episode 11th January 2021


  1. It's funny how Sonny is still alive after laying in the snow for over a week. lol

    1. If you notice it's fake

    2. Finally Carly and Jason will make love...slutty Sam will make love with her new brother Dante...with covid 19 going on I am surprised molly and tj did that shower scene...and last but not least sonny will get screwed when he loses carly to jason.

    3. Even by soap standards, though, that is still pretty ridiculous. I can't remember exactly when he went into the water, but wasn't it before Christmas? Meanwhile, back at home Christmas and New Years came and went, so more than just a week. He comes out of a freezing river wet and collapses into the (fake) snow and lays there for WEEKS and doesn't succumb to hypothermia? Haha......I get that the soap story lines don't do things according to "real time," but like I said, even for GH, this is pretty ridiculous.

    4. janis i was watching some old episodes of all my children once the woman who played heather on Gh played a character on the show janet i think can't remember the woman fell in a river she was fished out by a run away girl then the woman spend a couple of months in a forest nursing a wound so yeah its works for soaps lolol

    5. And wasn't Erica Kane pregnant for over a year with Bianca? lol

  2. It's a miracle Sonny is still alive after all that time in the cold

    1. it is called a show silly....unless that man quits the show they will keep him..I wish he would quit

    2. Right? They should hustle his butt into some sort of research facility and find out how one man can crawl out of a freezing cold river and lay in the (fake) snow for WEEKS and not die from hypothermia. Apparently Sonny is so invincible that even freezing cold weather can't kill him. Pretty stupid way to go with this.

  3. ok when julien and sonny fell how did the search team find julien but not sonny > they couldn't of fell that far apart. plus how could they not have found sonny cause that looked like a big open erea where sonny fell

    1. Because it's New York - where literally anything can happen. Does make for an interesting arc - Sonny assumed dead but yet very much alive. Cyrus and the 5 families will all be gunning for the territory. I'd rather watch some Corinthos drama like this than more of the other smaller plots like Alexis/Ned/Tracey or Molly/TJ/Brando or even Sam and Jason splitting up. The Peter thing has dragged out for so long too.

  4. why is sonny not completely soked from top to bottom from laying in the snow

  5. Replies
    1. They know that. They are just enjoying discussing the story lines, silly.

  6. Sonny's words at the end: "I don't know."

    Yup. Amnesia. Did anybody NOT see that coming?

    1. I am so excited about this story arc that I sat here for like 15 minutes explaining it to my husband (who has no knowledge about GH or any other soap opera). Before I could tell him the spoiler about likely amnesia, he guessed it! LOL Even a man who has never watched a soap opera guessed it :)

  7. I'm thinking maybe Sonny was held somewhere after he came out of the water, and he has just escaped. The guy looked like he was wearing hospital whites and Sonny had a fresh wound on his head. That makes much more sense than lying in the snow for a week. But,you know, soap logic!

    1. Could be. And I could actually accept that better than the idea of him laying out in the snow and winter weather for WEEKS and surviving. lol

    2. That's a big possibility, I agree.

  8. is brooklyn really pregnant the last time we saw her she had a pregnancy test but we were not privy to what the results were soo....ssoooo..

    molly and Tj my heart beats for you too never break up
