Monday, March 16, 2020

General Hospital 3-16-20 Full episode

General Hospital 3-16-20 Full episode GH 16th March 2020


  1. Did you stop making the full screen version?

    1. At the beginning of the new month, full-screen videos of the past month will appear.

    2. Thanks so much but I am watching March and do not see full versions.

  2. You are very much appreciated Mr Bob. Thanks for doing this everyday.

  3. Wow Anna is blind believing in Peter what's going to happen if Sonny finds out that Julian protected Brad

  4. Why is Sonny wasting his time with Julian when he has such a deadly enemy gunning for him!

    1. Exactly! He's making threats when there is someone trying to take him down, he need to address that situation.

    2. Cyrus uses loved ones like TJ and Willow to control people like Harmony and Jordan so you know he is going to go after someone Sonny loves to control him. And Sonny is wasting time with Julian and Brad! He has not focused on Cyrus at all!

  5. To think once upon a time Franco didn't want to be a father now the guy is domesticated to the max.

    I hope they did not kill Hayden off screen now I wish Violet was never revealed to Finn, why don't the writers want hayden on the show is it the actress I like her

    Anna is getting really annoying for a seasoned spy she is sure blinded by motherly guilt or whatever.

    1. Is there a chance that when Anna went looking for her sister, she didn't come back. "Anna" is actually her sister and Peter is actually not Anna's son.

    2. Yes, she is .. she knows Peter is guilty as sin, but seeing how his upbringing was, she is turning a blind eye. In the interim she is making me want to hurl. Why did Finn go back, Peter is still a threat and he knows it.

  6. So excited! Looking forward to the full screen videos!!!!!

    1. Me too! I'm willing to wait until April 1 to see the rest of March. Bob is awesome.

    2. Well, don't get too excited. There are no new episodes of GH being filmed at this time. So there may not be many episodes to even watch. Full screen or not.

    3. Ohhh....really? Makes sense i suppose...thats too bad i hadnt heard that yet

    4. Yeah. Not just GH. This thing is literally shutting down EVERYTHING. I doubt there will be any new episodes of ANYTHING for awhile. I guess it will be time to brush off You Tube and look for old movies, etc.

    5. The message about GH stopping production also says “We don’t anticipate an interruption in the broadcast of original episodes,”. That may change, but clearly they have considered it. So yeah, I am excited to see them full screen starting April 1 from Bob.

    6. I think they're being optimistic. Kansas just announced school is out until the fall. If then. Restaurants are closed up. It's like we're under siege. Unless something pops soon (cure? vaccination?), I would be very surprised if GH doesn't have interruptions. Same with every other t.v. show that isn't already on hiatus.

    7. Yes, we all know that. But I'm still excited to watch March in full screen starting April. You don't have to be if you don't want to. And I'm grateful to Bob.

  7. Wow! Talk about life imitating art! All that talk of isolating Josslyn and Dev and homeschooling them to keep them safe........and here we are, happening for ALL of us in real time.

    1. At least we have something we can relate too!

  8. I was so far behind and now I've caught up I wish I was behind so I could do some real binge watching.


  9. I dont really get why people are so mad at anna. I mean, every mom on this show would be the same and protect their child. Most in r/l would be too.

  10. Not to sound unappreciative, where are the full screen episodes? My phone won't let me stretch the picture so I don't have to see the junk around the video. Very distracting :( I do Thank You Bob for all that you have done, and continue to do posting the soap(s) for EVERYONE. BIG HUGS! God Bless and Keep us ALL SAFE from the Covid-19!!!
