Friday, March 29, 2024

General Hospital 3-29-24 Full episode

General Hospital 3-29-24 Full episode 29th March 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Have a good weekend, Bob. And thank you!

  2. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend! And Happy Easter!

  3. I didn't see that coming it's Valentine who is trying to get rid of Sonny and I wonder if Sonny is going to trust Jason again when he finds out Jason saved Dante's life

    1. i am so glad that sonny finally said that michael is not his son.good for carly she needed that in the face....and michael is a fool for calling the man that murdered his real dad ....daddy....carly and michael are getting what they maybe michael will have the good sense to call himself quartermaine again

    2. i fast forward through the entire show....with the new writers this has become the sonny and the gang show again....i want to see sasha....felicia....cody....nina....maxie....lucy....and gregory....they have all been back burner since jason came back....i feared that would happen...the sonny show has been going on for three weeks is boring....pikeman is boring.....i will quit watching again....unless they show the other characters who are not in sonnys world....the new writers will not write for jordan ....this show is boring again....thanks a lot frank

  4. I cant' help but wonder if the writers and producers of the show had planned on Dante waking up, AND exonerating Jason on Easter Good Friday? And speaking of writers.. Seriously?? You're going into another "someone's f**ing with Sonny's bipolar meds" storyline? Oh well..

    1. (Just curious) Who was the last person to mess with Sonny's meds? I may have missed those prior episodes.

    2. Also, Yes that was a good catch about Dante waking up on Good Friday. I didn't make the connection until I read your comment!

    3. ava did that before he shot aj, she was manipulating then as she is doing now love it though that what sonny deserves

      dude watching this on easter sunday and when dante said that could not stop laughing

  5. What a great episode!!!

    Yay, bringing back Brennan! Like that charming evil guy.

    Bwahahahahaha, not even sure Ava knows what she's playing at, lol, but Sonny is falling hook, line, and sinker...
    Is Ava evil enough to be messing with Sonny's meds to manipulate him? She did do it to his son Morgan, straight up... I mean by encouraging the drinking with Sonny? I think her and Valentin have the same idea, independently, for different purposes, or is it all connected...

    Yessssssss to Dante immediately clearing Jason. Sonny can eat crow. I'm no fan of the messing with someone's medication strategy, but I do hope they take Sonny down. I've lost all respect for the character. The way he told Carly that Michael was her son, wow. Wish Michael heard that. After Sonny even wanted him to grovel for forgiveness, boy Michael, move on, you can do better. Then he said he couldn't believe he ever loved Carly...what terrible things to say. Yuck.

    And WHOA to Valentin being the one to go at Sonny, guess he doesn't want to kiss and make up with Nina... or maybe this is another Sasha level plan, dude is straight up evil again...

    Excited for Monday!

    1. girl we think alike just comment the same things lol

    2. what valentine never stopped being evil that who he is

    3. Lol, your comments always make me smile... :) I like to think that Valentin has his moments, it seemed like he was trying to be good for a while for Anna, he has flashes with Charlotte and Brooklynn, always love his soulful singing at the Nurse's Ball, but it looks like you're right, and he is truly a Cassadine underneath.

  6. Today's episode was... entertaining.
    I a huge fan of Valentin BUT he is going too far. Why is he really working for Pikeman? And this evil stunt involving Sonny's meds is diabolical and over the top.... PLUS it's not going to help him get Anna back, that's for sure.

    Ava... Ava... Ava... OMG!!! What is she really up to? Is her end game to get closer to Sonny OR is there a different plan at play. On one hand she seems to genuinely desire Sonny's affection and wants to be taken seriously. BUT after that stunt she pulled today with Sonny's phone... it took away from the "kiss " that I had been waiting for. Sonny has already been through enough from losing his son, losing his dad, finding Csrly & Jason on their wedding night, then amnesia, THEN Nina's multiple layers of Deception. ENOUGH!!! He doesn't deserve any more heartache.

    I hope that Ava actually falls for Sonny AND finds out about what Valentin is doing with his meds and "chooses" to help Sonny. THIS could be a way for Ava to redeem herself from what she did to Morgan.

    I was glad that Jason immediately went to Sonny BUT Carly didn't need to be there trying to speak for him / defend him. It makes Jason look weak. I was glad that Sonny told her off, she deserved it.

    The scene at Bobbie's restaurant was cool. BUT Carly & Jason lack real romantic chemistry. They need to be paired with other people imo.

    I like the pacing of the show. The new writers are doing pretty good so far. (Minus excessive Kristina scenes AND poor storylines for Curtis & his family.)

    I think that they gave Trina a lot of talk/ screen time to grieve for Spencer SO that it will be more of a bang when Spencer returns. I like Spencer!

    1. I have no idea what Valentin and Ava are really up to, but I love both characters and look forward to seeing the havoc they wreak!!!

    2. Yes! It's funny because Sonny, Valentin and Ava are my top 3 favorite characters. I NEVER skip their scenes. But now all 3 of them will be on the same orbit....
      Get ready for May sweeps and major drama !!!

    3. I am soooooo ready, lol... I do hope they do some more fill-in backstory for Valentin, his character hasn't been given the time needed on the show for full development lately, in my opinion. He's got a lot going on, between Charlotte, Nina, Anna, ELQ, Pikeman (they just kind of threw him in there randomly as a middle-man one day--he was WSB, so it could work, but connect the dots writers!), he needs more screentime if he's in all these stories, otherwise his character is a jumble. He's a great actor, capable of real depth, use that...just underutilized on the show.

  7. I couldn't believe Ava gave Sonny alcohol think she's up to something but LATER she will fall for him & it will be too late still think Sonny will get involved with Natalie and was SOOOOO glad Sonny kicked Carly & Jason out sick of those 2 already

    1. Sonny getting with Natalie is possible.... but it will be weird with the "Kristina & Blaze" situation. Plus I hears that Eva LaRue ( Natalie) will only be on GH very short-term... I want Sonny with Ava BUT I'm here for a love triangle....
      Who knows..

  8. Does anyone know where I can view the episodes from October 2023? Bob removed them a couple weeks ago and it doesn't seem like he's ever putting them back up.

    1. Try looking up 2023 GH episodes on YouTube. (It's possible)

    2. I can find only clips, no recent full episodes.. my only hope is Bob. Please Bob, reupload the episodes from October onward!! :((

  9. Thanks Bob...

    Best episode since Jason's return.

  10. sonny actually thinks carly would betray him like that, if i was not done with sonny before am, so over this character now more that ever, this man has completely lost himself, what, he can think that jason, michael betray him but carly carly, who was willing to go to prison rather than turn state evidence against him when the fbi and sec came for her, she destoryed evidence that michael was going to use to bring him down, she continues to be his ally and biggest loyalist sonny is a piece of shit and then some ewww after everything hes done to hurt carly that man sonny make me sick

    jason, carly, michael needs to walk away from sonny forever

    see this is where the story was originally going dante had already figured this out dante was already suspicious of valentine, brennan, pikeman the wsb, these are the people after sonny, from day one, so all the time valentin was with anna he knew that brennan wanted to take anna out, remember valentine is the one who sent anna to the metro court to meet sonny when the shooting went down, so valentine wanted anna dead want anna to know that

    hope anna gets to punch valentine in the face, guts for all the times he tried to make anna feel guilty for shooting charolette, valentine like his daughter charlotte has made anna life an absolute living hell

    and brennan wanted dante dead because dante has evidence against him with that case that took place with wsb anna some time ago dante found a watch with numbers banking routing numbers on it in the bank vault to that wsb assassin the one who at sonny and anna that was murdered by the hit and run , would not be surprise if hemish intentionally shot dante i guess on valentin orders since he is now head of pikeman

    this is pissing me off because gh has been trying to gaslight the audience with this run around bullcrap trying to confuse people when i was going with the story they had already presented ooohh gh

    valentine is the reason curtis ended up in a wheel chair will that thing nina be all it wasnt valentine fault to curtis would love to see that conversation nina trying to defend valentine lol oh look valentine was nina true love dead lol just loving this right now so much

    so read on there that ava may be a mole, starting to think she is working for valentine, so is valentine the one who shot austin, sent the gun to ava, that gun had pikeman serial numbers, sent all those notes, so he could have ava come into the fold of pikeman, and ava is now working to help valentine take sonny down please let that be true lol lol, sonny your instinct sucks big time trusting that snake ava

    now jason is back his elq shares that valentine has which sam gave to him, goes back to jason, valentine was just the proxy for jason children so does that mean they can finally remove valentine as ceo of elq

    valentine is so disgusting sullying a dead man name for his end game and now like ava, nina messing with a mental guy mind by messing with his meds what a great guy valentine is where is laura to tell us what a great guy valentine that is her thing now make monsters into misunderstood heroes

    who is dante hot ass doctor more of this guy please lol

    watching this on easter sunday and hearing dante say he is risen hes alive just to funny

    jason need to get the metro court away from nina thats courtney name sake his one time wife and love

    just like nina isolated sonny away from his family ava is doing the same get it ava and sonny can not wait not nina to find sonny and ava in bed together

    this has been a great week of gh loved every single episode

    1. how many people have to eat crow for not believing jason, kristina needs a bucket full she will have to eat both hers and sonny cause sonny controls her brain, sam, sonny, drew, olivia

    2. dante found a wallet not a watch with banking numbers

    3. For sure, Sonny completely burned the bridge with me, too. Carly didn't deserve that, I mean, after all her and Jason have done for him, for decades? I hope he gets his comeuppance. And wow, you summed up the Pikeman story as well as anyone, not sure I'll ever understand all of it, it's been so badly convoluted and inconsistent, but that gets me close, lol! I hope Jason's return means his return to ELQ (giving up the mob life), and Valentin can definitely get ousted, he never does anything at ELQ, hahahaha, he's like Lucy at Deception! :)

    4. still do not understand how valentine is still ceo of elq the man was thought dead for a good many months they powers that be at elq could have made moves to put another ceo, ned who wants the job so bad could have made the board vote him in as ceo ned does not have the killer business instinct he claims also like you said valentine has not anything at elq that is ground to remove him as ceo

      and as for sonny that man, sonny realizes that had jason and carly (who thought that fool was dead mostly becasue of nina holding him hostage in nixon shit falls) is the reason his business still exist, the five families were making moves to take his territory and come after his family ava and avery included, that is why they decided to marry, then afterwards jason and carly decided to make it a real marriage because they thought sonny was dead.

      as soon as sonny returned the marriage was dissolved, jason walked away from carly as always placing his loyalty at sonny feet but no sonny wants to play the victim so he see whats not there as always as oppose to sonny who kept telling carly how he has no feelings for nina all the while lusting after nina

      what angers more ava who was there for it all and know full well why jason and carly got married sick bitch that ava is that why hate ava that woman is too devious

      did the guard let brennan escape huh

    5. Valentin is Helena child no trust there but valentine always was in love with Anna during WSB time valentin will cross brennan ava just may not make it threw this turning against her baby daddy and Jason will end up saving sonny cross thinking tail as always and why the writers bring the bypolar again everyone knows the signs Jason will be watching ava and I hope Nina catch wind of what ava doing to her man

  11. I can't find this episode anywhere! 😭 Is there anyway you could add it back on here, Bob? And thank you for all you do for us!!
