Wednesday, March 27, 2024

General Hospital 3-27-24 Full episode

General Hospital 3-27-24 Full episode 27th March 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. The "no typical droning episode" background music was very refreshing today. I hope that will last, but I'm afraid it won't.

    1. LOL, it sounded so empty!!! I was like, I can hear everything, what's going on... :)

  2. Man, what is up with everyone ripping Jason a new one without a trial even, and all this evidence that he saved Dante's life while some other dude with a gun who took a shot at Sonny was on the loose too. Come on. (Where is the drone footage already, come on Spinelli.) Jake, Sam, KRISTINA, really?!?!? Because your Stockholm Syndrome daddy said so??? Jason saved your life... Sometimes Kristina is my least favorite character. She was insufferable with Molly today. I can understand Jake being mad because he's a kid and he didn't have his dad for reasons he doesn't understand yet. But all these adults who have known Jason forever are getting on my last nerve... Thank goodness for Monica today. That was a sweet scene.

    Really, Dex is going to be a cop now, oh Anna... She's mad at Sonny and Cates, and acting out, LOL. Whiplash on the Joss/Trina talk today, geez. But glad the besties are getting along. And boy did Joss do a 180 with Dex, hope it sticks! Girl is ice cold...good, focus on your studies!!!

    Jake looks like Jason, but boy does Danny have his gazes and temperament. He really wanted and enjoyed that fight. Poor Aiden, playing Switzerland, what a sweetheart! And those boys acted out a fight better than some of these grown-ups on the show have, lol, great job kiddos!!! Danny was just great today, love the focus on these young actors lately, they're all doing a fabulous job. The adults around them, not so much. Geez Sam, drop that on the kid all nonchalant? He loves his Dad, don't tell him he won't see him again.

    Yay, soooooo looking forward to Joss vs. Kristina tomorrow, let her have it!!!!!!

    1. I think it might be the start of gh running the crooked cops story line
      Anna started it there by saying, meh, we’ve all done things, I think your inside to the mob world is just what we need” 🤣 beeeautiful Anna I Love it !
      Hopefully she does it in a very entertaining kinda way
      Love when the “good guys” have a soft spot for the crooked guys. The world isn’t just black and white. There’s always a grey line between both and ppl like Jordan never seem to remember this, they just sit up straight on there self righteous high horse forgetting what it’s like to be down low in the mix of the real world
      So glad Jordan’s out of office. Really didn’t like her in the at role.

  3. Glad to see Joss and Trina fix their friendship. Trina was extra honest about her grief over Spencer. It was realistic.

    Ana is doing a great job as the PCPD Commissioner. As long as Jason is in town... I don't see Jordan getting her job back.

    I can definitely see Dex fitting right in at the PCPD. Everything about him screams rookie. But I like Joss and Dex as a couple. Hopefully the new writers give them a deeper relationship aside from kissing all of the time.

    Danny is so cute! The fight between him and Jake was interesting. I'm sure that Jake will change his tune once he knows the truth.

    Sam looked great in today's scene BUT she overreacted about Danny and her reaction in general to seeing Jason was NOT realistic in my opinion.

    OMG Christina is such a freaking WASTE of time... they keep giving her unecessary screen time and forcing onto the audience. I'm not even invested in the surrogate storyline or her fling with Blaze. As soon as I see Christina's face I'm instantly bored 😴.

    Molly is O.K. I guess but she has a long way to go as the assistant D.A. I'm hoping that she changes careers once the baby comes

    1. Agree with everything you just said. So So over with the narrative there pushing with Christina, Blaze, even bringing Molly and surrogacy or all of it 🙄
      Fst Fwrd 💨⏭️⏭️

  4. Sams the one that kicked Jason to the curb & moved on, then got stupid when he was with Britt. Who does she think she is now? Queen Elizabeth? Gag me

  5. Did anyone else think that Robert looks/sounds unwell and emaciated?

    1. Yes, I noticed that too. I hope that he gets better

  6. @ Cardi...Yes, Robert did sound unwell and emaciated. I wish now, I would've stayed talking to him. I'd been talking to him on FB last winter, and finally he started talking to me in IM. Then he wanted me to follow him to Google chat and I didn't do it. Said he had no privacy on FB, and his bosses would be upset if they knew he was PMing a fan. He wanted to talk to me about things other than just GH, so I became concerned. Now he sounds like he has a huge frog in his throat. Maybe he's had one of those Respiratory Viruses? I hope he is okay. His screen brother, Mac Scorpio is fighting leukemia and some other blood cancer. I hear he is doing better though.

  7. Can't stand Sam Do does she think she is telling Danny he can't see his father ?? Loved Danny taking up for Jason by hitting Jake LOVE THOSE KIDS !!!!

  8. Kristina is very unlikeable right now. Used to like this actress on DOOL but do not like her playing this gay know-it-all. Both her and Trina are such ungrateful whiners right now. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? How dare Kristina try to badger Molly to not be impartial, such an ungrateful twitt. Take your rainbow flag and go home!!

    1. kristina has always been unlikeable as soon as she opens her mouth want to punch my screen, she talks and says nothing of significance, that girl is just ridiculous

  9. why is molly on jason case isnt that a conflict of interest she knows the guy, ex brother in law basically family

    guess sam needed to hear it out of jason mouth to believe he would never do that to dante but whatever

    wow here we go again with this kristina shit my father says something so automatically if my father sonny believes it to be true then its true, does sonny do kristina thinking for her is kristina being puppeted by sonny does this girl not have a brain of her own and again kristina shut up you know nothing isnt molly doing her job listening to the evidence before making a presumptive verdict based on hearsay, what is wrong with that girl kristina, why is that girl so stupid

    isnt what kristina doing with molly illegal trying to influence the prosecution

    dex is determined to get josslyn back by going after sonny yikes will that work hhahahahaha, dex is now a cop how will sonny get dex to be his inside man

    ok get it now why everyone is mad at jason, they know he did not shoot dante they are just mad the man disappeared for two years and left them lol

    monica is back at that medical conference

    1. Only on GH is it OK for Molly to be assigned to Jason's case, lol... Kristina was just sooooooooooo unbearable today, ugh, that was all painful to listen to, across the board. :( I think eventually Sonny will mess that relationship up too, though, and I hope Kristina goes after him with the same veracity she attacks everyone else with, lol, that would be fun.

  10. Why all of a sudden Kristina hates Jason like omg he saved her million times like the Dawn of day thing and Jason Sam went to bring Michael and Kristina home when they ran away to Mexico idk why Kristina and Michael aren't that close anymore these writers really suck
