Thursday, November 30, 2023

General Hospital 11-30-23 Full episode

General Hospital 11-30-23 Full episode 30th November 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cody is so cute with James. Just join the family already, geez!!!! Come on Felicia, be a good PI for once!!!! Make this happen. Cody--having Mac as a Dad is your dream come true. They're doing a heck of a job making over Cody's character, let this fall in place too. Mac will forgive. He's so lovable.
    Love a growing friendship between Willow and Molly, they deserve each other! A couple great ladies. Amelia is so cute too. Hope Molly and TJ really talk and come to an agreement about the path forward. It does seem awfully soon to try again (I disagree with Portia for the millionth time), I hope they take some time to grieve together. Just don't break up this super-couple GH!!!!! Ava was so smooth with Dante today, I love it when she's being evil and toying with people, especially in Wyndemere. Man she should stay the mistress of that castle, lol, love it! Still hate everything about what Michael is doing with Nina, just rip off the band-aid already...I'm so tired of waiting. And now I want ravioli too, lol!

  3. lois and yuri would be good together...yuri needs to get rid of the she man terri...terri may just grow facial hair

    1. erc what kind of a woke nut are you....terri is A order to be a real woman you have to have been born with female body parts in your body...the guy who plays terri was not born with any of that. Are you and others like yourself so afraid of real biological women...that you are trying to replace us with men pretending to be will never happen

  4. Michael is being controlling & not allowing the truth to do the controlling. Stupid. And what happened to Ned? Ava is always so smooth. Hope she stays at Wyndamere & moves past the whole Cyrus, Mason, Austin circle. They have played that into the ground too. NOW they need to put some fire back in the show. Its BORIIINNGGG

  5. michael is an evil asshole...nina needs to just tell the truth and stop with little asshole... many of you who support michael and carly need to look at the reactions online...many individuals like nina and hate michael and carly. people also need to remember that michael killed claudia....he is a murderer

  6. Michael's face when Nina called him out was so funny. I swear, tho, the way he's acting, just put him in a wife beater shirt and be done with it. He's totally giving off that kind of vibe.

  7. any school kristina went too is not good scout protest you will end up like your screwed up miss i think i know it all aunt kristina

    really hate to admit this but this new version of cody is starting to make me not hate that character as much huh ass is starting to grow on me, still dont think that guy is worthy of being mac son

    squirming ava is not as smooth as she thinks lol the lady exude guilt and suspicion, ava really thinks she can flirt her way out of anything 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    why are they making it seem that drew is some unreasonable person who wont understand scout concerns

    when it comes to nina sonny is easily manipulated and she knows that , please make nina do the most psycho shit so this woman reign of bullshit can be over so over this fake witch

    and now they are trying to ruin michael to try and make nina sympathetic that will never happen nina's evil toward michael will forever make him better than her

    willow is the most naive person good golly miss molly that woman wanted to use tj to destory willow and micheal relationship and in turn molly and tj people need to stop with giving nina the benefit of grace that woman does not have it

  8. Thank you for reposting November 29th and 30th episodes I am soooo far behind on GENERAL HOSPITAL episodes please keep from now til further notice so I can get caught up to 2024 episodes
    Thank you
